Why does it take so long to get test results from things like blood work when you go to the emergency room at a hospital

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Why does it take so long to get test results from things like blood work when you go to the emergency room at a hospital

In: Biology

9 Answers

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Lab tech here. For ER samples, we try to keep it under 30min turn around time from the time we get the sample for tests we run routinely. Some tests take a bit longer, but the majority of stuff we run for the ER should result within an hour of the sample being collected (assuming it’s immediately labeled and sent to the lab).

Issues arise if there are labeling issues, sample integrity issues, or dilutions/repeat testing involved.

The biggest rate limiting step is the number of staff in the ER available to review the results and come let you know. If a bad code comes in, most staff, including docs, are going to be prioritizing the code.

Er staff are constantly performing a juggling act with ever changing priorities. Being low on the list sucks because it takes longer, but it generally means you’re in better shape than most people there.

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