why does it take us different amounts of time, and time at all to figure out math problems and other problems?


Probably a bad question. Whatever:D

In: Mathematics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some of us be dumb and has be smarter on things that some dumb don’t get but some smart do.

But sometimes we dumb are good at the smart in some way.

That makes dumb smart and smart dumb sometime.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you were to think of the brain as being a microprocessor and then consider that the substrate is reliant on each person’s individual neurochemistry as far as speed and reliability (charge carriers can’t make much progress unless the material they’re moving through is well ionized so there’s lots of holes to hop into), then also consider that the brain’s neural network optimizes for access and solution times based on frequency of calling that particular function, it doesn’t seem so strange. As far as why it takes any time at all, information access in the brain is still reliant on the movement of electrical signals which max out at light speed in a vacuum (not your brain, hopefully) and subject to the same transmission line effects as any other computer. This is why reaction delays are quantifiable and typically in the millisecond range.

Or, if you prefer, the answer to each aspect of this question is because your creation deity of choice elected to make that design decision.

Anonymous 0 Comments

simply because our brains function differently.

you dont need to over think / complicate an easy matter, its just that we are not equally smart nor do we have the same brain

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you have to connect a lot of dots. Some dots are easy (experience, education, practice) some not. So you have to access everything you know about dots and understand how to use that information. Some people retain, access and implement information better and faster than others.