Why does listening to some music give us more satisfaction than other music?


I heard that music gives you satisfaction because your brain creates a feedback loop of predicting what music will come in a second, and then rewarding itself if it was right. But in that case, why does some music give us more satisfaction than other music?

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know if this is something science has or can explain but if I had to make a guess, I would imagine that certain sounds or patterns of sounds produce different reactions based on how our brain is wired. For example, I was reading the other day about a neurological disorder called musical anhedonia where those afflicted are unable to derive pleasure from music. Research shows that people who suffer from musical anhedonia have less functional connections between the parts of their brain that process sound and the parts of their brain that are related to a sense of reward. Quite literally, their brain is wired so that they don’t perceive music as something enjoyable and find it indistinguishable from other, non-patterned noises.

With that in mind, I can draw conclusions given how similar these topics are. Perhaps Person A enjoys instrumental music and Person B does not. Looking at how musical anhedonia affects the brain, I would hypothesize that perhaps Person A has less connections between their sound processing center and whatever region of the brain that translates vocal speech into meaning when compared to Person B.

But, I want to state that this is just me theorizing and that I am not educated on this topic, this thread just looked a little bare and I wanted to contribute.

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