Why does mint make everything feel cold?


Why does mint make everything feel cold?

In: Other

5 Answers

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If its very hot outside and you start contracting your muscles, do exercise (except for the sweating that follows exercising) – you will feel the heat even more.

If you ever got your hand burned while cooking you notice that if you keep using that hand you feel the burn worse than if you relax the hand.

Relaxation is a vasodilatation move where, the same as in physics, the particles and molecules move further apart from each other to manage to lose heat, stress, pressure more efficiently than if they were crammed up together and keep conducting energy back and forth to neighbouring particles.

Mint, coffee (except for the part where coffee is drank while its hot) and a number of other plants have this effect of dilatation of the vessels and relaxation, leaving more empty space between your molecules, thus cooling them down.

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