Why does my cat (or doggo) need a rabies vaccination every year, but humans only need a couple rounds (depending on vaccine) and maybe a booster every 10


Why does my cat (or doggo) need a rabies vaccination every year, but humans only need a couple rounds (depending on vaccine) and maybe a booster every 10

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans don’t get rabies vaccines unless they’ve work in an environment that puts that at risk for exposure or have already been exposed as a means of post-exposure-prophylaxis.

Pets get rabies boosters every year largely out of an abundance of caution. There have not been any good studies that show how long immunity lasts in pets. Because of the seriousness of the disease to both pets and humans, rather than have a situation where they only get vaccinated every 3 years but the immunity only lasts 2, laws require vaccination every year to ensure 100% immunity at all times.

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