Why does oil in a frying pan, sometimes pop while it heats up ?


I am curious as to what causes this issue where sometimes my oil seems to explode upwards and splash all over my kitchen.

It never seems to happen when the Oil is fresh.
It stops happening once the Oil gets hot enough.

But why ?!

In: Chemistry

8 Answers

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Water in hot oil causes oil bubbles filled with steam. The less water on the food you put in your hot oil, or on your pan before you add oil and heat up, the less popping and splashing will occur. It can be very dangerous if there’s enough water and oil. For instance, just a cup of water in an inch of heated oil could fill a small kitchen with airborne boiling oil bubbles filled with expanding steam, causing severe burns to anyone in the room. If the oil is on fire, it will fill your kitchen with fire. That’s why you can’t put out a grease fire with water.

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