Why does oil or fat make foods sear,roast or brown faster and better than just placing it bare on a very hot surface?


Why does oil or fat make foods sear,roast or brown faster and better than just placing it bare on a very hot surface?

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5 Answers

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2 reasons, surface area and direct heat.

Surface area: If you step your foot in a puddle, the puddle touches more of your foot than the ground would if it was dry. The puddle conforms to your foot and can seep into the cracks, crevices and pores of your foot. That’s what oil does to a piece of food in a pan. The more hot oil touches your food, the more seared your food will be.

Direct heat: any piece of food in a frying pan is either pressed flat to the pan and receiving direct heat, or it’s slightly lifted from the pan and receiving indirect heat (either baking it or steaming it). Heating oil allows the direct heat to come from the pan *and* the oil. Set a piece of broccoli in hot oil, it’s getting cooked, give it a turn and the hot oil is still cooking it on the side that’s not touching the pan.

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