I have heard of and even seen peope make big changes to their body and health with only 15, 30, or 60 minutes of exercise a day. It doesn’t even seem like much.
Whether it’s cardio or lifting weights, why do people only need that much time a day to improve? In fact, why does MORE time with exercise (like 3 hours or more) even seem harmful?
I know diet plays a big role but still. Like I started strength training for only 15 minutes a day and I see some changes in my body physically.
In: Biology
[Basal metabolic rate – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_metabolic_rate)
each time you exercise you both (1) burn calories immediately and (2) build muscle over a period of days.
Your muscle mass uses calories every day whether you’re idle or not.
There is this incrementalist approach to fitness where you don’t really diet, you just start paying attention to your calories and maybe stop overeating, and just build muscle little by little. edit: it takes dedication but it’s not hard work (edit: saying it’s easy is unfair). eventually you reach a tipping point and begin slimming very quickly.
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