Why does our blood pressure get so low when we lie on our sides?


Why does our blood pressure get so low when we lie on our sides?

In: Biology

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A couple reasons:

1. If you’re lying on your left side, the main systemic pumping chamber of your heart, the left ventricle, will be slightly squished. Your cardiac output will be slightly decreased as a result.

2. The second reason depends upon where and how you are checking your BP. If you are using a Non-invasive BP cuff, it will most likely be placed upon the exposed arm (the higher one). This is above the level of the heart. The BP will read lower because your heart has to push blood against gravity to make it into your arm; the higher you go, the lower your BP will read. Conversely, if you were standing and checked the BP in your leg, it would be higher than in your arm. This is due to hydrostatic pressure and the weight of the blood pushing downward.

Source: Citical Care RN