Why does our body get chills when we are moved by something? (Example: beautiful music)


Why does our body get chills when we are moved by something? (Example: beautiful music)

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve never heard a full explanation as to why, but it’s usually called ASMR and there is a whole side of the internet dedicated to videos triggering it.

Check this out:

Anonymous 0 Comments

Frisson or music chills is due to a release of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is basically a reward and pleasure chemical in your brain. It’s also released when you eat, play video games, gamble, take drugs like cocain, and have sex; it makes you feel good. As for causing chills, I suppose it’s due to the release being very sudden and brief whereas other instances of its use (having sex or eating a pizza) are at a lower level but last longer.