why does pickle juice help with hangover


To be clear, I’m not doubting the effectiveness of pickle juice as a cure for hangover. From personal experience it’s the best way to get over it, second only to sleeping through it. I just don’t get how it helps.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1 word and a longer explanation. Electrolytes

So your body is trying to process the alcohol in your system and the best way to do that is through your liver. Well the process takes up A LOT of water and minerals in your system. (Thoes minerals are Electrolytes btw) so. Now you are dehydrated and your body cannot process like it should and it Needs help

Pickle juice has lots of Electrolytes and water in it. Your body cannot just absorb water itself ( it’s why you should not drink deionized water) it needs Electrolytes and minerals to absorb, so if the drink has the minerals in it already, then the body can absorb the nutrients and water faster, thus helping your hangover.

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