Why does “pure” alcohol feel so strange to the touch?


I had to clean out some PC junk recently and I used a tupperware container filled to the brim with 99% isopropyl alcohol to get the gunk out.

I dipped my hands in to get the parts out and I noticed that the alcohol felt very weird in my hands. I don’t know quite how to describe it, but it felt very strange compared to water. Not as much resistance, and it felt very weird on my skin. Almost as if there was no friction against my skin.

What’s the cause of this? Is it surface tension? Maybe a weird chemical reaction with my skin that makes it feel that way?

I googled this and only got results about treating open wounds with alcohol.

In: Chemistry

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol is both soluble in water and in oil, since it has both a charged and a lipid end.

However, there are loads of chemicals with this property.

What is in fact strange is how water behaves. Not many liquids have the same properties as water. If anything, that is the strange feeling.

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