Why does raw baking dough often taste so much sweeter and more delicious than after it’s baked?


Why does raw baking dough often taste so much sweeter and more delicious than after it’s baked?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think there’s probably a few reasons why raw dough tastes sweeter.
1) as you bake, the sugars reacts with other molecules (these chemical reactions are called Maillard reactions) to form a bunch of other compounds. So actual sugar content decreases slightly.
2) as the product rises and expands during cooking the density of the sugar per volume is less. So a spoonful of baked product is more airy and probably has less sugar than the dense dough
3) once the product is baked, the sugar gets locked within the matrix of other starches and proteins, as opposed to being simply dissolved in the semi liquid raw dough. So you’d have to chew the product and let your saliva dissolve the sugars before they are accessible to your taste receptors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The flavors are more concentrated?