Why does red ants bite while black ants don’t?


Why does red ants bite while black ants don’t?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different species with different behavior.

Ants are incredibly diverse and there are tens of thousands of species that are all a little different.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Afaik, red ants are just generally more aggressive and their bites hurt more. Black ants will attack you if you step on a whole bunch or into their nest or something, red ants go and bite you for no reason.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe the both do, red ants are probably more territorial and also venomous so they are more associated with biting, I am not an entomologist bot sure at all though

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different species of ants behave differently. In North America, the common species of black ants don’t tend to be very aggressive, or have very painful bites. The common species of red ants are more aggressive and have a more painful bite. In other parts of the world, there are other species of ants with varying colors and levels of aggression, so the rule of thumb that applies in North America should not be used elsewhere.