Why does rest/inactivity often make us more tired, while activity can make us more energetic?


The world is currently struggling with both an influx of major stress while people in great numbers are also unemployed and inactive. This is leading to a massive spike in depression and related symptoms. For these reasons, I was wondering if someone could give me a good explanation for why resting often makes exhausting situations even more exhausting. Thanks!

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not a master on the topic. But exercise releases endorphins that fight stress. Serotonin is also released, which increases your happiness. There can be other mental factors too. Completing X minutes/hours of exercise can make you feel like you accomplished something. Especially if you had a goal for that exercise session.

I can’t say that exercise is the be-all end-all cure for depression. But as someone who spent a lot of time with the black dog, I can say that exercise did/does wonders for how I feel. Huge improvements to my motivation, sleep patterns, happiness levels, not feeling useless, etc.

Anyone out there feeling down in the dumps should look at their diet and exercise before looking at prescription pills from the doctor (which have been known to make things worse for a lot of people).

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