Why does scratching the right spot feel so heavenly? And why is it that over-scratching can turn suddenly excruciatingly painful?


Why does scratching the right spot feel so heavenly? And why is it that over-scratching can turn suddenly excruciatingly painful?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Itching is the skin’s way of getting you to scratch your skin. Maybe there’s something digging in there that itching will dislodge or something to that effect.

So, positive reinforcement for scratching via endorphins.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you scratch it, it is relieving an irritation. I have never felt over-scratching as excruciatingly and I have butchered my skin from severe eczema on occasion. Sometimes the bleeding skin feels better than the itch in my experience. I am interested in how people feel sensations though. Itchiness is normally felt when in the stage of healing. Scratching unless it is done very mildly (like exfoliation) is not good for the skin at all – it tears and thins it.