Why does skin heal more slowly the older you get?


I’m turning 40 this year, and I’m noticing that the nicks and cuts I’m used to getting which have always healed really quickly are leaving more scars and lasting longer than they have in the past. Im outdoors active, and accrue more than a few cuts often on my lower legs. Is this a natural part of growing old, which is in line with my observations of my parents’ skin as well, or am I not caring for my skin well?

In: Biology

14 Answers

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You might want to test your hormones. Testosterone deficit (below 400 ng/dl or so) and hypothyroidism (TSH > 3.5), measured soon after your normal wake-up time, can both cause this.

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year, and upon starting medication, several symptoms I had previously thought were due to aging just disappeared.

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