Why does someone scratching your back feel better than any other part of your body? I ask my husband several times a day to scratch my back bc it feels great but it wouldn’t feel great for him to scratch my arms.


Why does someone scratching your back feel better than any other part of your body? I ask my husband several times a day to scratch my back bc it feels great but it wouldn’t feel great for him to scratch my arms.

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It feels good getting your back scratched because it’s the one part of your skin very difficult to reach on your own. Your arm itches, you can easily scratch for quick relief. But if you ever had a cast on your arm, making your arm “unreachable”, it may suddenly feel great to stick a pen in there to scratch your arm. Maybe even more than your back 😉

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you want to feel something really great have him gently “draw” pictures on your back with his fingers. It’s very relaxing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it’s because you probably scratch your back the least of anywhere on your body. The slightest itch on your arm you can scratch. But since your back is so hard to reach, you’ll kinda “tolerate” the minor itches, and just leave them be, without scratching. Only when the itch becomes intolerable do you put in the effort and look like an idiot reaching around to scratch your back.

So the skin on your back is kinda “scratch-starved”, for lack of a better word. It hasn’t been getting enough attention and when it finally does, ah, it feels great.

Also you can’t see what’s going on, which also adds an element of joy. Someone touching you where you can’t see what their hand is doing feels extra good for some reason. The inability to expect and prepare for a particular sensation is titillating for a lot of people. This is also why it’s considered kinda intimate. You wouldn’t let a stranger or non-friend scratch your back. You probably wouldn’t let anyone scratch your back besides your husband and maybe your mom or something.