Why does Space-Time curve and more importantly, why and how does Space and Time come together to form a “fabric”?


Why does Space-Time curve and more importantly, why and how does Space and Time come together to form a “fabric”?

In: Physics

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of technical stuff in this thread, which is great, but doesn’t explain like you’re 5. Simplest explanation of space-time is to imagine cutting time into increments, then laying the 3D space on top of itself so it forms a block. As if you take all the individual frames of a film and stacking them, so you get a big pile of individual spatial snapshots that move forward and backward through time as you look up and down the pile. As the aforementioned Einstein Nova said, we are all spaghetti strands moving through both space and time simultaneously.
Curvature is just mass warping this field. Our inability to differentiate between inertia and gravity (is the ground moving us up or is gravity holding us down?) breaks our lizard brains so leave this to the theoretical physisists lol.
FWIW Hawking’s Brief History of Time is surprisingly understandable (at least some of it) to the non-genius out there, recommended.

Note: Sorry if this is already posted, didn’t feel like reading “billions and billions” of posts (RIP Sagan).

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