Why does stubbing one toe hurt so much more than stubbing 2 or more toes?


Why does stubbing one toe hurt so much more than stubbing 2 or more toes?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because the pain caused by hitting something with your foot is divided across the toes. So with two toes they only get 50% of the pain each. Your brain looks at the single highest level of pain rather than how much area the pain covers. So two toes is half the pain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This seems subjective at best. I’ve stubbed any number of toes and once all of them while going up the stairs (i misjudged the height of the last step which is different from the others). They all hurt.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All the energy is being transferred into one single joint instead of two or more. Same energy and more surface means less energy on any point.