Why Does Swelling occur hours after trauma?


Why does swelling occur several hours after trauma

I got in a boxing fight I punched a guy a few times hard and his face had no noticeable trauma but the trauma showed up the next day when I saw him. Why does this happen sometimes?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because when you get hurt, in any way (trauma, infection) the white blood cells and immune cells travel to that area to fix the problem.

Any damage to your bodys cells – they hurry to the rescue, gathering the dead cells, fighting microorganisms and viruses to the death, if they must and their dead bodies get flushed out through your lymphatic system, with the rest of casualties.

Sometimes, if there is an infection, the dead cells and your little dead soldiers grow into a mass grave, creating a pustule (puss). That most of the time, bursts on it’s own, with a little help from more of these cells.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Perhaps blood flow for repair…? Hopefully someone answers who’s smarter than me