Why does the age of consent tend to increase in more modern societies and vice versa?


Why does the age of consent tend to increase in more modern societies and vice versa?

In: Culture

8 Answers

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The key part is modern. Like it or not, it really requires around 12 years of basic education (generally speaking, there are many exceptions) to become a somewhat productive member of society. Many people aspire to 16 years of education for a basic college degree. Most modern societies have average lifespans into the 70s meaning at least 40 years of active economic participation.

There is a lot of value to society and to the individuals to foster a system that reduces early pregnancy/family.

A hundred and fifty years ago, average lifespans was probably in the late 40s. And education beyond basic literacy was not useful for most of the needed occupations (farming mostly) Also, children were considered mostly free labor. So starting families early and larger families benefited society and the individuals more.

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