Why does the average beard only cover half the face?


Why does the average beard only cover half the face?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because beard over your eyes apparently wasn’t an evolutionary benefit, what with the whole not being able to see where you are going thing. There is no “reason” for how hair grows, and the reasons behind why a beard-wearer chooses to shave where they choose to shave are as numerous and different as the beard-wearers themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait until you get old, it spreads just like nose and ear hair gets bushier with age. Mine would be up to the cheek bones if I let it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The beard covers the head, chin, neck, and above our eyes. We cal them hair, eyebrows, beard. The non hair parts of your full head are mostly around the eyes and ears for function, but your entire head is covered!