Why does the body still get hungry when there is excess stored fat?


Basically as the title says. If I’m already obese right, why does my stomach still feel hungry when it has “food at home” aka an excess stored up as fat. Why would it not just utilize the energy that is already there and then when it gets to a certain body fat percentage become hungry again at that point? Why does the body just continue to store up fat to an uncomfortable and unhealthy point and keeps asking for more food when there is already so much available to it?

UPDATE: Thank you everyone for your responses. There are lots of great explanations and viewpoints here 😊.

In: 414

58 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

also when you feel hungry might that be true hunger

i felt hungry before but went 24 hours with no food and no hunger

Anonymous 0 Comments

It takes about 3 days of no food intake for your body to switch to burning down your fat for food. You would start losing about 1kg a day, it requires a lot of willpower, a lot of water and electrolytes. I did a 5 day water fast once and the first two days were the worst. Day 3,4 and 5 I never felt hunger and mentally I never felt better. Of course, you shouldn’t just stop eating and see how long you go, everything over 7 days of fasting should be tracked with a doctor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Animals, not just humans, are not adapted for abundance. Scarcity of nutrients, in particular macro-nutrients like sugar and fat, have been the norm for the entirety of the history of life on Earth, until the early 20th Century. So, how would selective breeding be able to cope with a situation which it has never been exposed to before?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It craves carbs! Carbohydrates are the most easily used source for fuel and so when your body uses up the carbs you’ve eaten, it craves more.

That is why the keto diet has been so popular in the past 5 years or so. You get your body use to not having carbs, so it’s primary fuel source is dietary fat, then stored fat

Anonymous 0 Comments

The feeling of full is connected to a number of thoughts and feelings.

Take heartburn for example, when you are hungry you may experience reflux and your brain develops a process that says “I’m hungry”. When you eat too much you also experience reflux.

There are other things going on here too. A lot of what occurs in your mind is out of your control, let alone what occurs in your body.

It would be incorrect to change the feeling of reflux after eating just because you know that you are full, but if you understand what is going on you are able to have more control over what you think about and make better decisions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Being obese is more like being addicted to cocaine than it is like sensibly stockpiling calories. Once you understand that you’re dealing with an addictive derailing of the brains reward systems , like a cocaine addict , the answers to questions like yours become obvious. “Because your brain and hormonal system are acting like coke fiends” that’s always the answer. Would you ask “ how come doing cocajne just makes me want more cocaine? Why doesn’t my body realize enough is enough?” Because that’s basically what you’ve asked here.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In nature (which programmed us) , food is basically money, and the fat you have is your bank account that you carry around.

Most people want to keep growing their bank account regardless of how much they have, there isn’t really a point where people say “thats enough, now I want to see it go down”.

Your body does the same thing with fat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Animals, not just humans, are not adapted for abundance. Scarcity of nutrients, in particular macro-nutrients like sugar and fat, have been the norm for the entirety of the history of life on Earth, until the early 20th Century. So, how would selective breeding be able to cope with a situation which it has never been exposed to before?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It craves carbs! Carbohydrates are the most easily used source for fuel and so when your body uses up the carbs you’ve eaten, it craves more.

That is why the keto diet has been so popular in the past 5 years or so. You get your body use to not having carbs, so it’s primary fuel source is dietary fat, then stored fat

Anonymous 0 Comments

The feeling of full is connected to a number of thoughts and feelings.

Take heartburn for example, when you are hungry you may experience reflux and your brain develops a process that says “I’m hungry”. When you eat too much you also experience reflux.

There are other things going on here too. A lot of what occurs in your mind is out of your control, let alone what occurs in your body.

It would be incorrect to change the feeling of reflux after eating just because you know that you are full, but if you understand what is going on you are able to have more control over what you think about and make better decisions.