Why does the body turn down the feeling of hunger in case of injuries in the mouth?


Be it from tooth pain, sore flesh or whatever. I’ve experienced it now multiple times that if the mouth has some kind of pain, the stomach does not call for food. Why?

In: 25

4 Answers

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Two things:

First, fighting an infection is hard work that requires a lot of energy. Somewhat counter intuitively, so is digesting food. When you are sick, your body prefers to use the resources it has to fight the infection rather to digest food. Time is critical, so it doesn’t work to say “ok well let’s eat first then we will have more strength to fight the infection” because in the time it takes you to digest, the infection takes hold and can get out of hand, to the point where the extra energy you got from your food doesn’t even cover it. You are better off giving priority to the infection

Secondly, there is some feedback between your mouth and stomach. Your brain blocks the feeling of hunger because it would just put you in more trouble if you were to eat with an infected tooth. Sort of like when you limp when you hurt your foot: the pain also serves the purpose of warning your body that it’s not a good idea to put too much strain on the hurt area, or it might get worse

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