Why does the caffeine in coffee make us need to use the restroom, but the caffeine in soda doesn’t, despite being around the same amount of stimulant?


Edit: I do not usually drink colas, I prefer clear sodas.

Mountain Dew is my favorite. When I think of having a Mountain Dew, I usually think of the 20 oz bottles. I don’t keep soda cans in the fridge.

When I have coffee I usually have the normal 12 oz over ice.

12 oz of coffee is more or less 100 mgs of caffeine. 20 oz of Mountain Dew is more or less 100 mgs of caffeine. This is why I said, “about the same amount of caffiene,” in my title.

I understand the confusion, and appreciate y’all caring enough to try and correct me in the comments. Hopefully this cleared some things up!

In: 127

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Soda does make you urinate more, as long as you’re not tolerant to that level of caffeine.

I don’t drink coffee. Hate the taste. I used to rarely drink soda, and when I did, I was in the bathroom every 60 minutes pissing clear for the next 5 hours.

Coffee just has about 4 times the amount of caffeine that soda has. So if you’re drinking enough coffee to feel it, then you’re tolerant to the lower amount that’s in soda.

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