Why does the device itself need to have a restart after downloading an update for a program?


Why does the device itself need to have a restart after downloading an update for a program?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Downloaded makes changes to some software on your computer. Your computer is still in the same status as it was when you last started. Not all of those settings will have changed. The computer needs to be in a different status in order to run the software properly. Some of those things can’t be changed while the computer is running, but will be implemented on a restart. Other pieces of software may also be impacted by a change, so they too need to restart. So all of those changes can happen when the computer is restarted.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a restart is needed, it’s usually because one or more of the files that downloaded were already being used and can’t be updated while it’s loaded in memory.

ELI5… You need new tires for your car, you have to stop the car to put new ones on, you can’t upgrade them while they’re in use.