Why does the earlobe sometimes grow around the backs of earrings and encase them in flesh?


Why does the earlobe sometimes grow around the backs of earrings and encase them in flesh?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your skin is programmed to repair its self.

So your skin sees that it’s been breached and tries to fix the hole.

However, your skin isn’t very “smart”.

It just grows to cover the damage. It only has two options, either make new skin that covers the inside (that’s what you want) or make new skin that just covers everything (this is the one you don’t want).

Your skin just does what’s easiest. So unless the piercing is moved, removed periodically or otherwise positioned, then it just takes the easy route and covers everything.

Remember, one of your skins primary jobs is to keep the inside of you, inside. That’s all it’s trying to do.

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