Why does the letter ‘Q’ always needs to be followed my the letter ‘U’ for every word in the English language?


Never understood this rule. Its the only letter that needs to be paired together. I cant think of any words that are just Q without the U. Why are these two inseparable!! I need to know why!!

In: 16

11 Answers

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The ways sounds are formed in our mouths makes it hard to transition directly from some sounds to others; this tends to result in extra sounds being added in between. For example, it’s hard to go directly from an /m/ sound to a /sh/ sound, but easy to go from /m/ to /p/ and /p/ to /sh/, so when we add “-tion” to the end of a word like “assume”, the result is “assumption”.

The sound “q” makes* is similar to “k” except that you round your lips while making it, the same way you do when making “w” and “u” sounds. This makes it difficult to transition from /q/ to any vowel other than /u/; it’s easier to transition from /q/ to /u/ and then from /u/ to the other vowel. So all the words that had “q” followed by a vowel got “u”s inserted after the “q”. And just like we don’t have words that start with “ng”, we don’t have words that end in “q”; it’s *always* followed by a vowel.

*Actually this all happened thousands of years ago. “q” is indistinguishable from “k” in modern English, but used to represent a different sound.

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