Why does the lunar calender change each year? Why isnt it constant?


I am writing this after reading about the Muslim fasting month. The start of the month depends on the sighting of the moon. But this date is never the same. It always changes. It may be the 7th or 10th or even the 3rd of the next english month.

My question is Why? Why does this change? Why does the lunar calender change? Its not like the moon slows down or something. So what is it?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Consider, why was May 1st this year a Wednesday, but June 1st will be a Saturday?

Because a week has 7 days, and May has 31, and 7 doesn’t evenly divide 31. So, may has 4 full weeks in it, and then 3 more days left over. So the next month starts on a different day of the week.

It’s the same basic idea with the lunar calendar and solar calendar. The length of the month doesn’t evenly divide the length of the year, so dates shift over time.

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