Why does the planet Venus rotate in the opposite direction than most other planets in the solar system?


Why does the planet Venus rotate in the opposite direction than most other planets in the solar system?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just a coincidence. Every planet’s rotational direction AND orientation is completely random to any collisions and how the planet originally formed. For example, when the Earth was really young, it could have spun the other direction. Somewhere along the line, it could have suffered a huge impact that changed its rotation to the other direction. Gravity keeps the ball rolling. “An object in motion tends to stay in motion,” unless there’s a force like a big ass collision. This also explains why Uranus’s axis is tilted (almost 90 degrees) compared to ours. The way it formed and the gases and rocks collided had it initially spin that way, and as the gravity pulled more and more gases and rocks in, it kept its original orientation and direction due to the laws of physics and just ended up forming like that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We believe it had suffered a massive impact with a Mars sized object which was so devastating, at the right angle, and with enough energy, that it reversed it’s rotation. During the formation of the solar system, we were a cloud of dust and gas. Over time, gravity caused that dust to clump together. This doesn’t happen in a straight line, but along a curve in space. As the cloud condensed, that curve became more apparent. Gravity tugs on all, causing everything to fall in and along the same plane. This angular momentum normalizes, and the cloud of dust flattens out to an accretion disk. It’s why all the planets orbit in the same direction, too. Over enough time, Venus’s orbit will halt, and slowly start rotating back in the right direction. I don’t know if the sun will explode or not by then…

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read about this many years ago. I believe the answer is we just don’t know. At least when I was reading about it. There are theories about the thick atmosphere, or just with where it formed and tidal forces, but as far as I remember there are only theories and no answers.