Why does the size of penis and breasts vary so much compared to other parts of the body?


Why does the size of penis and breasts vary so much compared to other parts of the body?

In: 156

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, they really don’t. Think of how much foot and hand sizes vary from person to person, or leg length, arm length, hip and shoulder width, etc. Even stuff like the size and placement of various facial features vary wildly from one individual to the next.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For dicks, its the opposite. They are *more* consistently sized between individuals than most other body parts and largely decoupled from body size. Practically speaking, that makes sense. If they were widely variable, a lot of times, they wouldn’t fit. Which sort of defeats the purpose.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone’s organs and body parts vary in shape and size. Society places a lot of emphasis on the sizes of those specific body parts.

The tailoring of clothes is another example of how much people vary in dimensions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All body parts vary in size. In reality, human proportions vary wildly from the artistic ideal.

People just obsess more over penis and breast size.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. People have longer legs, shorter legs. Longer arms, shorter arms. Longer torsos, shorter torsos. Bigger eyes, smaller eyes. Large noses, small noses. Large full butts, flat as a pancake butts. And everything in between. It’s not just penis and boobs….

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why does no one ever ask about vagina size variation? It’s not all created equally.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Penis size really has a much more even distribution. Something like 80 percent of guys are within 1 inch of each other, and basically 100 percent are within 2.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not sure about breast size so I won’t speak on it, but as far as dick size goes, I’d be willing to bet that it’s a bell curve (goddammit, no pun intended), with most falling within a similar size range and only a few being markedly smaller or bigger than average. As stated elsewhere in this thread, it’s only societal pressure and perception about “norms” that make dick size seem so varied.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t believe breast and penis size vary as wildly different as literally every other part of the human body.

We all have different ear and nose size, for example. I know someone with hands the same length as mine that are twice as wide. I know people as tall as me with longer reach. I know people larger than me with smaller hands. We all have crazy weird proportions.

As someone who has sewn clothes for several different body types as well, I can tell you that arm length, leg length, torso length, etc are all different and unique for each person.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because of the lack of bones, which allows penises and breasts to not be as restricted as any other limb, especially with breasts, when fat accumulates. Your arms, legs, fingers… on the other hand, can get wider if your body accumulates more fat but won’t get longer. A head is just as big as the skull underneath, plus the layers of skin and fat.