Why does the sound of poured water gets higher and higher as you keep pouring?


Why does the sound of poured water gets higher and higher as you keep pouring?

In: Physics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the sound you’re hearing is sound coming out of a round chamber. When the glass fills with water, the size of the chamber changes, so the pitch changes. Large chamber, low pitch. Small chamber, high pitch. It’s why digieridoos are deep and rumbly while ocarinas are high pitched and whiny.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sound is bouncing off the glass, and the pitch gets hugged as less of the glass is above water level. This is why people can play music on the rims of glasses filled with different levels of water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I never know how to describe this sound to people but it irritates me SOOOO MUCH like the sound of people eating with their mouths open and food eating ASMR. Drives me crazy

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its the screams of the air being vacated from thier homes. The youngest (aka highest pitch) were at the bottom, so the screams raise in pitch from oldest-youngest

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another interesting thing is the temperature of the water can change the sound of the pour. Like, enough that people can tell if the water is hot or cold by listening to a recording.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An empty vessel like a glass or bottle is essentially a sound chamber with a resonate frequency (think of blowing across a bottle top to make it ring).

The distance between the bottom and top of the vessel determines the vessel’s resonate frequency (where sound waves of corresponding length vibrate longer than than others).

As the water rises, the distance between the bottom and top of the vessel decreases, which means shorter waves will vibrate longer. Shorter sound waves equals higher pitch.