Why does the value of land/real estate increase over time? Other commodities deflate or are unstable, what makes land a good investment most of the time?


Why does the value of land/real estate increase over time? Other commodities deflate or are unstable, what makes land a good investment most of the time?

In: Economics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think u/Kngfalcon nailed it in a very succinct fashion, but I would love to add the fact that is where *real* estate comes from; it is a “fixed” and true thing that can be passed over generations; the value of nearly all other things degrades over time, but unimproved land doesn’t really get made worse by being left alone, and while any infrastructure/improvements generally cost upkeep, they provide greater value than they cost to keep (or else they’re a poor investment, and should be removed)

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