Why does throwing up after a night of drinking typically make you feel better ?


Why does throwing up after a night of drinking typically make you feel better ?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

because endorphins are being released to alleviate stress and pain

your body thinks it was poisoned(it was technically) and was finally able ot use its purge reflex but the process is painfull so the brain helps out by using its built in pain medication

Anonymous 0 Comments

You feel better because endorphins get released after you throw up. Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

because you get all the toxins out of your body?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there’s still quite a bit of alcohol just sitting in your stomach. Stomachs can store for and liquids for hours.

Earlier you throw up, the better you feel.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Vomitting expunges things from your stomach that is telling your body that it’s not benefiting from what is digesting/ absorbing. Upon doing so, you remove whatever you expel which sends out endorphins to reduce/ alleviate the pain / stresses.

Similar of that when your gut aches from digesting things, except out the other end.