Why does travelling tire you out?


I was a passenger in an almost 4 hour car tourney the other day, and by the end of it I was exhausted. Yet I can easily sit at a desk or in a chair for 4 hours at home doing the same things (listening to music, scrolling tiktok, social media, flash cards) and not feel nearly as exhausted. Why?

In: 21

5 Answers

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For many years of my life I worked as a sailor. The first days to weeks onboard, even sometimes after you’ve become very experienced, you’ll get tired faster because you move inefficiently, the movement of the vessel is erratic to you and it takes you time to adjust. This is called getting your sealegs. After you get used to this motion, it’s just like any other job and you move in a manner that compensates for the extra movement of the vessel.

In all travel, be it via airplane, bus, boat or even bicycle you’ll work harder than you need to even just sitting there doing nothing as you’ll constantly be making unnecessary micro adjustments. Some are required to stop you from falling over, but the vast majority aren’t. This tires you faster than you would expect, and consequently you don’t realise that you’ve done exceptionally more work than you would have done in a situation you’re more accustomed to.

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