Why does travelling tire you out?


I was a passenger in an almost 4 hour car tourney the other day, and by the end of it I was exhausted. Yet I can easily sit at a desk or in a chair for 4 hours at home doing the same things (listening to music, scrolling tiktok, social media, flash cards) and not feel nearly as exhausted. Why?

In: 21

5 Answers

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When you sit in a moving vehicle, you don’t realize it, but you’re constantly using your body muscles to keep yourself sitting straight up.

The car turns to the left, your body uses muscles to stay upright so that you don’t lean to the right.

Like, if there was a ball on the floor of your bus, and the bus turned left, the ball would roll to the right. Right?

Well YOU don’t want to roll all around the inside of the vehicle, so you unconsciously use all kinds of muscles just to keep sitting in that spot without falling over.

At the end of a long drive … all that energy you spent on those muscles really adds up, and you’re tired!

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