Why does trimming plants make them grow stronger?


Why does trimming plants make them grow stronger?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The plant gives equal energy and nutrients to all of it’s leaves, flowers, and stems. When a part of the plant is dead or dying it is still giving nutrients to that part – when that part is trimmed off the energy can’t go there any more and can feed the rest of the plant. For a plant that has multiple stalks/trunks like a bush or tree, the energy has to be split amongst each part, but if you trim the plant down to only one stalk/branch/trunk then all the energy goes to the one that’s left.

Anonymous 0 Comments

By getting rid of extra or old growth, the nutrients from the soil goes to the younger shoots that are growing and need it the most.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Stronger? Not really.

People trim plants branches to change the growth pattern or they remove flowers so the plant puts more energy into growing new leaves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There can be numerous reasons, in addition to what the others have stated proper trimming can allow better airflow within a plant. Also older, weaker or diseased growth is removed