Why does turning something off and on fix problems?


I know it works most of the time with my pc and my smartphone, but yesterday at the dentist a drill didn’t work correctly, so they turned the entire chair and all the appliances connected to it off and on and the drill was working again. Why does this fix so many problems when nothing is changed in the hardware itself?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

* Turning a device off and then back on is like swatting a fly.
* It doesn’t solve the root problem of the fly.
* It just makes the fly go away for some time.
* Maybe the fly comes back, maybe it doesn’t.
* The reason for this is because there is a flaw in the logic programmed into the device or software.
* Most of these flaws are caught with testing before the device/software is released.
* But some flaws only popup when there is a very specific set of conditions and testing for every combination of possibilities to reveal these conditions is hard and time-consuming.
* Re-starting the device clears anything in memory and start the program over from the beginning.
* So it doesn’t stop the flaw from existing, it just resets the conditions that can cause the flaw to be a problem.

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