Why does water take time to boil on the stove, but immediately stop once taken off the stove?


Why does water take time to boil on the stove, but immediately stop once taken off the stove?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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Applying a heat source causes the water molecules to begin vibrating. The longer the water is exposed to the heat source, the intensity of the vibrations increase. As the water approaches the “boiling point” the water molecules reach a point where the vibrations are intense enough to create what we call boiling water.

Once the heat source responsible for the vibrations is removed, the water molecules rapidly revert to a less excited state.

Consider a microwave oven causing water to boil. My understanding is that the magnetron causes the water molecules to vibrate, the vibration causing friction, the friction causes and increase in the ambient temperature eventually causing the water to boil in the same was as when a heat source is applied.

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