Why does your stomach “growl” when you are hungry

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Basically the title

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s air (gas) in your large intestines that was produced by bacteria working on your second-to-last meal, usually dinner. It’s not correlated with hunger or the time passed since your last meal.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your stomach/abdomen makes noise a lot of the time. This is often just the digestive process and air moving around inside your guts. It can also be grumbly or noisy after eating, when you’re not hungry, and so on.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I just assumed when your stomach is empty it acts more as a resonator and amplifies the sound. Like the hole on a guitar.

Anonymous 0 Comments

so like when ur stomach grumbles it’s all the gas and air in your intestines having a little party. it’s legit a food convo with ur gut haha.