why don’t Christians name their kids Jesus more often?


I mean, Muhammad is the most common name in the Muslim world, but Jesus is practically unheard of as a first name outside of Central America. I find it particularly unusual because so many other biblical names are pretty common as first names for Christians and Jews.

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Muhammed is a prophet, not the deity. Muslims don’t worship Muhammed as a deity.

Christians believe Jesus is the deity. There’s also the commandment about not taking the lord’s name in vain.

There’s also cultural aspects – Jesus is a fairly common name in latin countries (pronounced differently than the English way of saying Jesus, however).

In short, it’s not an apples to apples comparison and cultural differences play a significant role.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many Christians find it disrespectful. Basically, you’d be using the same name to yell at your kid as you do to address the creator of the universe in prayer. Other biblical names are different because you aren’t currently addressing any of them and they’re human not God so it’d be a different level of respect regardless. (Note: this applies only to Protestant Christianity).

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the main difference is Muhammad is considered by Muslims to be the greatest prophet, while Christians consider Jesus to be some combination (depending on the denomination) of God, the Son of God, and the 2nd person of the Trinity. So to Muslims it’s considered to be a great honor to be named after the great prophet, while Jesus is more of a sacred name that isn’t used unless it’s to reference Jesus Christ.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe reverse the question, why do people in central america name their kids Jesus; do they think Jesus was/is just a prophet?