Why don’t we administer more drugs with an inhaler

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As I’m using my asthma inhaler this morning, I realize, why don’t we use inhalation for other medications?

Obviously wouldn’t be needed for everything, but things that need to act fast I feel like it would be effective.

The alveoli in your lungs are a direct connection to your blood supply, and seem pretty effective for the nicotine while smoking.

I’ve even seen it a few times in fiction like Dread or Cyberpunk.

So why not?

In: Biology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most Inhaled drugs work on the lungs, or need a quick route to circulatory system like narcan. It would not help Inhaling a drug that gets processed by you liver or kidneys.

On a side note oral medications usually have poor absorption rates vs IV drugs. but I doubt people would want to shoot up their heart burn medication.

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