why each audio software clips differenly


If you listen what it sounds like when a sound is above 0dB on something FL Studio or voicemeeter, it sounds different when the principle is the same, and on FL it sometimes makes it sound better

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

* There could be a few things at play here.
* The software could be handling the clipping.
* Your hardware could be handling the clipping.
* A combination of both.
* When the hardware handles the clipping, you’ll get a certain type of sound.
* This has to do with how the digital-to-analog-converter (DAC) is designed.
* Some software will simply pass a clipped signal along to the output hardware (DAC etc) and that’s that.
* Some software will detect a clip and attempt to process it to sound more like analog equipment that clips.
* In analog gear, the clipping is more rounded off and doesn’t sound as harsh.
* For a much better and more in-depth answer, try posting this in r/audioengineering

Anonymous 0 Comments

Likely whatever you’re listening to has some form of compression (making the file size smaller and losing information in the process) how different programs accomplish that is slightly different and so the results sound slightly different.