Why electric current doesn’t decrease for each wire i connect to a battery?


For example, if i have a battery with 10V of power, and then i connect a wire to the battery it will have 10A of current in it.

If i connect 2 wires, why current doesn’t split between the two wires so that i have 5A in each one?

I have no knowledge in this area, the only logical conclusion i can come to with the little information i have is that both wires will have 10A of current because both will “work at full potential”, but then, the battery will run out of power at double the speed compared to having only 1 wire connected.

Is my guess correct or the solution is another one?

Thanks in advance.

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

10 Volts is the potential difference between the two ends of the battery. You can think of it like the height of a waterfall (a waterfall exists because of the potential difference between a point high in a gravity well and a point low in a gravity well).

Now imagine you double the width of that waterfall. Does the waterfall height decrease? No. The waterfall keeps flowing at the same rate as before – with twice as much water going over the falls.

It is possible that the source of the waterfall doesn’t have enough water to support your new, widened waterfall. The height of the waterfall will still remain the same. However, you might hit a limit on the flow rate of water (which is essentially the ‘current’ of the water).

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