Why elevators have mirrors in them?


Almost every elevator I’ve been in has a mirror inside. Exceptions are paternoster or technical elevators.

Does it reduce claustrophobia? Does it make the space look bigger? Does it entertain passengers?

In: 997

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You gave the answer yourself. Yes, they are a not-so-subtle trick to make the space look bigger.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeah pretty much, you’ll feel less claustrophobic. Other than that, it’s usually just a box and the interior can be decorated however they choose to do so. There’s also a weight limit the lift can take too.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oftentimes it’s for people in wheelchairs so the can back out easily since they aren’t owls and can’t turn their heads all the way around.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Also it’s good to have a chance for final check of clothes, hair, visage, etc before you enter the workplace, especially when you’re visiting someone else’s office for a meeting or something.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s actually for a psychological reason. So people spend time to look in the mirror and not be bothered by how long the elevator takes. I read about this some where last week.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So humans can look at the most beautiful thing in their life… themselves. I read somewhere that it was added when elevators were slow and this was an implemented trick to increase patience/make time fly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Buildingaw compliance for accessibility. Mostly for wheelchair users so they can back out safely.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I once read the explanation that it reduces the risk of vandalism due to the feeling of being watched. Even if its you, watching yourself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The mirror trick may work on most elevators but not the one a local medical clinic has, inside is very narrow as in wide enough for two people to stand side by side but it’s very long and has a convex ceiling so it unfortunately looks like you’re inside a big coffin, it’s also quite dark for some unknown reason