Why every number to the power of 0 is equal to 1?


I’m too dumb to get it

In: Mathematics

31 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s another deeper angle I haven’t seen explored yet:

Consider that “fractional powers” can mean square/cube/etc roots, so 2^(1/2) = about 1.41. 2^(1/3) = about 1.26. Even when you take the 10th root of 2, it’s 1.07. So if you take the general case, N^(1/M), you can think of it as if you’re taking the M^(th) root of a number N. 1/infinity is 0, so it’s describing what happens if you take the “infinite root” of a number, and it just so works out that it’s always 1, even with fractions.. the 10th root of 0.1 is 0.99. It’s not something that makes practical sense, per se, so that’s probably why we’re just given the rule without much explanation.

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