why every video- and musicplayer seems to have difficulties loading videos or audio from any point but the very start?


why every video- and musicplayer seems to have difficulties loading videos or audio from any point but the very start?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A way to think of it is if you have an encyclopaedia book.

You can open the book at any page, as each article is self contained. But if you try to start reading part way through an article, it will likely make little sense, although you may be able to guess bits. Reading from the start will tell you what the article is about.

Video compression works very similarly. There are some full frames that contain all the information, but most frames simply detail the changes from the reference frame.

The start of the video is a full frame,, and in any case is often preloaded when visiting a site. However, if you pick a random position your computer has to load back to the last full frame, then work out all the changes needed to get to your frame.

There is a balance here. Compression saves bandwidth and enables videos to play on slower connections. But too greater compression, among other issues, results in user frustration, especially on websites (ahem) where users often skip back and forth. Some compensation can be made by preloading content if you know user habits. Sites indicating “hotspots” in videos can often take advantage of greater predictability in where users jump to.

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