Why Factorio doesn’t burn everyone’s cpu?


Today i Fired up factorio again and i loaded up one of my older saves. And then, i had sudden realization. I know that object collisions are very taxing and take a lot of processing power. Then i zoomed out and watched Factorio handle more than 10k objects moving and colliding with each other on my screen and my cpu was resting at 30%. how is that even possible ?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Factorio is developed by programming perfectionists.

They optimized everything they could think of, in the case of collision, once two objects collide on a belt they become a chain. In a chain you only need to consider collisions with the extremities. As most of Factorio gameplay involve having backed up conveyer belts, this virtually trivialize “collision” detection.

Drones flying around are more amount to compute, and that’s why they for in straight line and don’t collide. Concessions have been made to ensure performance.

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