When I was a teen I was playing basketball and collided heads with someone. It cut my eyebrow open maybe 1/2 inch. I was okay besides some bleeding. But people were telling me I should go get it stitched.
Ball was life, so I kept playing and now its fine I even have a cool scar. I have even heard other people over the years show me scars and say stuff like “I probably should have got stitches but whatever” and most of their scars looked fine besides the fact they were scars.
So why get stitches unless its an obviously huge cut that wont close by its self?
In: Biology
So, first of all, a lot of people don’t want scars— especially facial scars. They’re part of a few very distinctive *looks* that, uh, aren’t what everybody’s going for.
If you let a deep cut heal naturally, there’s a risk it’ll heal… funny. The two sides won’t necessarily line up just right, and maybe your skin will twist or crease. And maybe that’ll be fine— just another layer of cool scar, even— but it could be too-tight in one direction, or hurt when you turn your arm just so. Why take the risk, when a few stitches can hold everything in place until it heals right?
A stitched wound heals *faster.* You can get back to not-having-an-open-wound in, say, half the time. That’s less time you have to take care of it, and less time for it to get infected.
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